Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Way to Go!

I'd like to take a few minutes today to brag on a former Trinity Student (actually a couple.)  Addy Miller-Brown is a 7th grader at Bunsold this year. Earlier this Winter she took part in the Bunsold Science Fair.  She, along with 3 other former Trinity students received a Superior Rating!  4 of the 7 Superior ratings came from Trinity! Way to represent, Addy, Kaleigh Dougherty, Abby Dougherty, and Katie Weller!   These 4 earned the priviledge of moving on to District competition. 

Addy did so well at Districts, that she is now State Bound for her Science experiment.  What an amazing accomplishment!

Today I received an email from Addy's mom Tammy who just wanted to express her sincere thanks to Trinity for all that we did in Addy's educational experience here that helped her gain the knowledge and confidence needed to make such a successful transition to the "bigger world." 

Here is an excerpt from the email:

One of the most instrumental decisions in our kid's lives has been to  send them to Trinity.  The foundation they have established while attending your school not only on a spiritual level but academically  as well, is priceless.   I'm amazed everyday how well Addy has handled the transition from leaving her small class of 11 to her current size of approx. 400.  Her confidence in facing everyday challenges is handled by  her  faith which was strengthened through example by your staff.   She was academically prepared for Bunsold by your knowledgeable staff.  I thank God for Mrs. Gibson who prepared Addy  with the math skills needed in mastering Pre-algebra. It was also Mrs. Gibson who fostered Addy's love for science leading Addy to her state competition.   

This email was the highlight of my day.  It's so nice to hear such wonderful things said about our school and it's impressive that Tammy took the time to share her thoughts with us.  I completely share her sentiments.  However, I'm here everyday as a principal and a parent and I  get to see firsthand how hard our teachers work and how much they love our kids.  But, it's even better when others see it and spread that good news.  So, thanks Tammy! 

I know I say it all the time, but Trinity truly is an amazing place.  We provide an excellent education in a safe Christian environment.  Addy is just one example of kids taking their faith and foundation with them. 

Good luck Addy-You are amazing and we believe in you!