Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Social Media

So, I have to admit, I am not good at Social Media.  I rarely check my Facebook page, I don't do Pintrest, I opened a Twitter account and have only tweeted once (for a class assignment) and I have no idea what Instagram is used for.  

However, that being said, Social Media in Education can be very useful.  Many of you are probably reading this because you followed the link from Facebook.  When I use our Facebook page, I'm helping to spread the good news of Trinity to those who may otherwise not know what's happening inside our walls.  When used in a safe way, and in a way in which our strong values are upheld, Trinity's story can be shared with the larger community.  The buzz in education these days is that if we don't share our story, someone else will.  So, why not share the story that you want everyone to know.  My March resolution is to do just that.  I'm committing myself to sharing our story so that all of you can share it as well.  

Facebook is a way for me to share our story, but I've also created a Trinity Twitter account. Follow us at:


News, updates, and stories will be shared here.  Help Trinity to make a presence in the Social Media world.  Get your family members and friends involved.  I love Trinity and want others to see how great of a place it is!  

God's Peace to You!