Thursday, March 21, 2013

Change the World

I'm sure most of you who are reading this have seen the video from Trinity's Facebook page of Sunday's "Change the World" production.  This video has gone viral with over 5,300 views currently.  If you haven't seen it, take a few minutes.  Here is the link:

I just wanted to "blog" about my experience being apart of something like this.  For weeks I had known that my kids were going to sing at all 3 services and had heard them, even Luke, singing a song at home that was really catchy.  But on Sunday when it all came together, it was really moving and emotional.  June Saindon, our Praise Band, Pastor Kathy, and all the youth and members who helped out did an amazing job!

Now, I regulary get emotional when I hear great songs, especially when kids are a part of it.  You've probably seen me beaming with pride in chapel, or maybe even seen me with tears in my eyes during a song I love at church on Sunday.  But this was something entirely different.  This was moving!  This was something that got everyone on thier feet and ready to go out and change the world.  When the Sunday School kids joined in the parade, all I could think of was how proud I am that my kids could be a part of something special, at someplace really special.  How many of you grew up in a church that did things like this?  How many of you remember getting up on Sunday morning and when mom said "Time for church," responded "YES!" Now, don't get me wrong, I liked my church growing up, but I wasn't always excited about getting up on Sundays for 8am service.  My kids actually love going to church.  They love seeing thier friends. They love singing with the Praise Band. They love walking up to Communion for a blessing. They love Sunday School.  They love having donuts afterwards.  They love that they get to spend 6 of their 7 days a week at Trinity.  I am so happy that they are able to have the experiences that they do here at Trinity, and Sunday as I was thinking about all of that, I was truly emotional!  Trinity is a special place, both the Church and the School.  Whenever my mom visits she remarks on how the Spirit is moving at Trinity.  She should have seen it moving Sunday.  To all of us members...let's keep it going.  To our School Family...let's keep it going. 

 As we enter Holy Week and Spring Break next week, may the Spirit move you!  May God bless you with a wonderful break and a Blessed Easter!