Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything to this blog. I aplogize for my absense but have a strong desire to share what is going on at Trinity. Keep checking in on me!
To all you prospective parents out there: Have you visited Trinity yet? Enrollment for the 2012-2013 school year is well underway. I am so excited for all of those who have turned in thier forms and have committed to becoming a Trinity Tiger. The educational experience that they will recieve will be like no other and the spritual growth that the students will undergo can hardly be put into words. As a mother of 3 students here, I get to see firsthand every day what an impact our teachers make on our students. My daughter just asked me the other day, "Mom, why is this school year going so fast? I don't want it to end." I think this speaks volumes to what kind of experience our students have in the classrooms. When they want to be here, that makes all the difference in thier learning journey.
If you haven't been in for a tour, give me a call or send me an email. 937-642-1726 or lpoling@trinitymarysville.org
I promise to post some pictures and stories very soon. The kids have fun every day and I want to share that with the world.
Until then, God's Peace to You!
Go Tigers!