Friday, November 1, 2013

Early Childhood Fun!

It’s been a busy couple months!  I’ve pushed my blog to the side with all the other fun things happening at Trinity, so I’ve committed to getting back to it!  Even though we are all busy around here, I realize it’s very important to share with all of you those fun things that I see day in and day out, so I’m getting back to it! J

Today I’m going to start with something that is fresh on my mind: Trinity’s Early Childhood Program.  I need to take some time to sing the praises of our team- Katie Frisch, Janice Freudenburg, Shelley Williams, and Maria Woodworth.  They are an outstanding group of teachers and Trinity and our students are so blessed to have them here. 


First I’d like to share a fun event that I was privileged to be a part of.  This week the moms and grandmas of 64 four year olds got to spend time at Trinity for Pre-K Mom’s and Grandma’s day!  Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Woodworth planned such a great time for all of us.  It was a special time for me because I got to spend two uninterrupted hours with my mom and my best little buddy!  I heard through the grapevine that Mrs. Williams was a little nervous for the day, but you would have never guessed it.  She was poised, confident, and loving as usual as she welcomed us explained the day.  By the end of the day on Thursday, (after her 4th round of doing this) she was noticeably relaxed, peaceful and happy.  She was truly enjoying herself as she watched her kiddos interacting with loved ones!  It made me smile just to watch her.

Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Woodworth make such a great team.  While watching the two of them at work, you would think they’ve worked together for years.  It’s hard to believe it’s only been a few short months.  Mrs. Woodworth has slipped so seamlessly into our Trinity Family and I’m so happy for both of them.  They make a great pair, and together they are making a difference in the lives of so many remarkable young people.  God is good! 

Early Childhood Activity Loft
I’d also like to take a moment to congratulate Katie Frisch on her hard work on a recent fundraiser she headed for the early childhood program.  Late last year she came to me with a picture of an activity loft she wanted for her classroom, reasons why she thought it would benefit her program, and the cost!  When I saw the pricetag, I was a little overwhelmed.  J  However, Katie came armed with a way to help fund the cost of the loft and that was to hold a fundraiser which she believed would raise a lot of money.  The school board approved the fundraiser and she was off!  I once read a quote somewhere: “Trust your crazy ideas.” I admittedly wasn’t convinced this fundraiser was going to come close to putting a dent in the cost of the loft.  Well, I should have trusted this crazy idea.  Katie and the whole early childhood program of kids and parents raised over $3,300!!! That is amazing!  With all of that effort, the school board agreed to fund the rest of the loft.  It should be delivered and assembled over Christmas break for the kids to begin enjoying!  Amazing job Katie. J

I’d also like to recognize Katie and Miss Janice for their work as a team.  This team also works seamlessly together and while they’ve only been working together for about a year, they make a great duo.  They almost read each other’s minds.  Miss Janice is willing to do whatever she can to make sure the day runs smoothly for Katie and for the kids.  Both of them are always smiling and it is just bright and cheery when you seem them at work together.  Again, God is good! 

This group of amazing people-Katie, Janice, Shelley, and Maria- are the where it all starts at Trinity!  I’m so happy our youngest Tigers are getting to experience their love, their laughter, and their teaching.  Just one more reason I love Trinity!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Good Feelings

Another great week at Trinity!  We’ve had some really “feel good” moments this week that I’d love to share with you.

First, our school is finally complete!  We had about 110 Pre-School and Pre-K kids come ready for their first days this past Monday and Tuesday. Like I said last week, I love those first days of school.  It was such fun to watch most of them come with smiling faces and say goodbye to their parents as they entered the classroom for what might have been the first time for a lot of them.  As always, we had the reluctant kiddos, but just as we had assured the parents at orientation, after 5 minutes, they were happy and smiling!  I have to give kudos to our Early Childhood team-Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Woodworth, Miss Frisch and Mrs. Freudenberg (also to Miss Breneman and Mrs. Cymbal who are helping out)-they are so amazing at what they do.  They were able to help those reluctant ones and turn those tears into smiles so effortlessly.  What a safe environment they are providing for our youngest Tigers.  And, as I walk into a classroom of 3 and 4 year old students and see them engaged and organized-that is a feat unto itself.  Way to go! 


On Wednesday Trinity hosted its 4th produce giveaway sponsored by Lutheran Social Services and the Mid-Ohio Food Bank.  Each month, the amount of families who have benefited from the healthy food provided for them has grown.  The need in Union County is great, and this has been an amazing opportunity for Trinity to help those in need and spread a little bit of God’s love at the same time.  This week our 6th grade students were able to spend most of their morning volunteering at the giveaway.  I was so proud of our students.  Each one of them stepped into the role they felt comfortable with and did it with amazing grace.  Some of the students bagged up produce and handed it out to those in line.  Some of our students helped folks carry bags and boxes as they went through the line in order to lessen the burden of the load.  Each one of the students was respectful and represented Trinity just as any adult would have wanted them to.  I heard them saying “Have a great day” and “God bless you” to each person they encountered.  I believe each person in our community who was helped that day with healthy food was also nurtured a little bit by the kindness of our students and the love of God they shared.  I’d like to thank Mrs. Wever for making it possible for them to join in the event and for allowing the kids to have time to discuss what a powerful thing it was for them to take part in morning. 

Each and every time I experience something like this with the kids, I get that overwhelming feeling that the Holy Spirit is moving within Trinity and my love for Trinity grows.  I thank God that my children have the opportunity to go to school here and be immersed in the positive energy within our walls.  I hope each of you feels the same way!

God bless you this Labor Day weekend.  Enjoy the long weekend and enjoy some rest and relaxation with your families!  Go Tigers!


Friday, August 23, 2013

Welcome Back Trinity Tigers!

It has been an amazing week here at Trinity!  While is started out in a way I never dreamed it could have, we’ve had so much fun during our first week of school!  I love the first day of school, and I got to experience that twice this week.  First with our 1-6 kiddos and again on Thursday with our Kindergarteners.  As the principal, it’s always fun getting the teachers together and planning for the year, but there is absolutely nothing better than watching over 200 students arrive with huge smiles and “bring it on” attitudes.  I love watching the kids find friends they haven’t seen in a while, discovering a new path to their new classroom, and hugging a brand new teacher.  The reaction of the Kindergarteners coming to school is always a favorite time for me.  There are students who are practically running to get the day started and those that are a little scared.  We had a few tears, which subsided quickly with of the love and support of the teachers.  By the end of the day yesterday, the kids looked exhausted!  But it was “an amazing day” according to at least one source I spoke to this morning! J   All I know is that it’s been a full week of school, and all the students still had smiles on their faces as I greeted them this morning.  That’s all I can ask for!  This is why Trinity is “amazing!”

So, while I’ve seen a range of emotions from the students this week, I’ve also seen that same range of emotions from the parents.  Like all of you, I’m a parent here as well.  I had my camera out taking the typical first day pictures…at home before we left, in front of the cross, in front of the lockers, and with the teachers.  However, I get the added bonus of getting to experience their school lives right along with them.  I’ve watched many parents this week leave with smiles on their faces that school is back in session and I’ve watched parents teary as they are leaving a first born, a last born, or somewhere in between.  I feel both of these emotions: routine is good and it feels great to be back on a schedule, but I’ve had to leave 2 kids at home with a sitter and so I understand the tears.  Being a parent is the toughest, yet most rewarding job there is.  I give honor and glory to all of you for the students that you are raising and have chosen to entrust to us at Trinity.  Each and every one of them is special and means the world to you.  We strive to make sure they feel that way at Trinity too. 

Onward and upward through the rest of the year!  I know that this year will be just as “amazing” as the first day of school.  God’s blessing to each of you through the journey of 2013-2014.  I’m excited for what He has in store for us! 

Friday, May 31, 2013

Congratulations Class of 2013

It is the first day of summer vation!  What an unbelievable feeling...mostly because I can't believe how fast the year went by.  It was full of wonder and joy and lots of memories.  I've spent the last two evenings celebrating the accomplishments of our Kindergarteners and 6th grade Graduates.  These nights are always emotional for's fun to see how much the kids have grown, but so sad to say goodbye to some of our Kindergarteners and all of our 6th grade role models.  So, in honor of our amazing 6th graders, I share with you the words that I shared with them last night at graduation.  Each one of them is so special and I wish them only the best as they journey on in life!

6th grade graduates:

What a pleasure it has been to watch you grow over the last several years.  I am overwhelmed with joy when I look at you and think about your futures.  Each of you has unique gifts and abilities, which God has entrusted with you to make a difference in the world.  I have no doubt that each of you will take the core values you’ve learned at home and at Trinity and touch the lives of others you meet along the way.  You will move mountains!  Trinity has been a special place for each of you for so much of your lives.  Remember that we will always be here for you.  We will be here to celebrate all of your accomplishments in the future and we’ll cheer you on in all you do. 

Elizabeth- Your smile lights up the room!  That smile, your kind heart, and your love for others will carry you very far in this world.  You have the ability to make other people happy and this is so important in all of the relationships you will have in your life.  Keep smiling!

Phillip-I will never forget the day I walked in and you were deep in study of your bible during silent reading time.  This is the epitome of what I know to be special about the time you’ve spent at Trinity.  You’ve learned the importance of keeping God first.  You have the gift of leadership and being a role model.  Remember that as you move on in life.  You will change the lives of others just by being you!

Kayla-Oh the talents you have!  You are such a well- rounded young lady!   I’ve enjoyed watching your academic achievements, your musical talents, your dramatic interpretations, and your relationships with your friends.  You have so many talents which will allow you to showcase God’s amazing work.  Your hard work, determination, and strength of character shows in all you do. 

Cori- You are my silent, strong graduate.  You have the unique gift of being a role model by just being who you are.  You make others notice you, not by the words that you say, but by the actions that you show on a consistent daily basis.  You are a true Christian role model and share God’s love through each action you make. 

Thomas-You make me laugh!  This is also a true God given gift.  You have so many talents-academically and musically that you’ve shared with us at Trinity.  Those will give you much enjoyment in life.  Your ability to make others laugh will give us much enjoyment in life!  I know being one of two boys in the classroom can be tough, but your lighthearted attitude and love of life has shown through! 

Myah- You are an amazingly talented young lady.  You have so many special gifts-but the one thing that stands out to me whenever I see you is your confidence in yourself.  That, my dear, is something you need to hold onto forever.  Whenever life presents a challenge, you will face it with an intense sense of self and get through it with your head held high.  Likewise, you will face all of the joy in life with your beautiful smile, beautiful character, and the gifts God has given you. 

Claire- You are so much fun!  I have loved watching you over the years showcase your soccer talents, your musical talents, and your academic abilities.  And I can’t help but laugh when you are around.  You have a special way of drawing in those who are around you.  Your personality is full of life and full of love for those who know you.  I have witnessed you help our youngest Trinity Tigers and make them feel safe, and I’ve seen you interact with our adult Trinity Tigers.  You do both with grace and kindness.  This gift will allow you to have special relationships throughout your life.

Sally- Your personality steals the show!  You have the gift of optimism.  Your laugh is contagious and you just bring a smile to all of our faces!  You definitely have talents that are uniquely your own and you have so much fun showcasing those talents.  I’ve seen your dramatic talents, your musical gifts, your creativity with a needle and thread….and I’ve even seen a little snapshot of what could be a future movie producing talent!  Sally, your gifts and talents will take you wherever you want them to!

Sydney-You are such an amazing young lady!  Your talents are expansive and diverse.  God has given you strong athletic abilities that allow you to do what few other girls your age can do!  Your educational future is bright.  But, I think you have a special gift for helping others.  You are a role model for our younger Trinity Tigers.  I’ve seen you help out younger students countless times-whether it be in latchkey helping younger students, in the hallways helping somebody pick something up, helping your sibling who is injured, or at church helping one of the crazy Poling kids!  You have special gifts that will carry on with you. 

Madison Walls- God has given you many talents as well.  You are smart, funny, and have so much athletic ability.  But I think the gift that I’ve seen stand out strongly is true determination.  As I watched you run the 800 meters at Track and Field day, you made it look effortless.  But in watching you closely, I saw the grit and the determination that allows you to be successful.  I saw this during the gymnastics fest as well.  You focus on your task and you show us that you want to do your best.  This gift will be a true asset to you in life.  When things get tough, you will roll up your sleeves and dig in.  What a perfect way to go through life!

Madison Watts- You have a quiet energy to you!  And you are uniquely you!  I love that you have your own personal style- from your shoe choices to hats, you will wear what you like and what you think is fun!  This style works well in your relationships.  You are able to be friends with just about anyone and that is a special thing.  Your relationships in life will bring you so much joy and you will be a good friend to so many people throughout your life.  God wants us to love each other and you do that so naturally!

Kate- God has good things in store for you.  He has entrusted you with a variety of gifts and talents to pull from as you journey through your life.  I have been blessed to witness your musical talents, your academic achievements and your lively personality.  I love that you believe it is truly important to be different in this world---that will allow you to make a difference!  What is most admirable is your personal strength.  You handle life’s challenges with grace and optimism.  You understand that your faith is what carries you through.  Your positive attitude and your quiet strength allow everyone you are around to notice you and learn from you.  You share God’s love in every conversation you have.  You will do amazing things in life!

Friends, just like your class quilt shows, each of you is unique.  But together, you are breathtaking!  You have made your mark on Trinity and we will always have a special place in our hearts for you.  I wish you the best of luck next year and for years to come.  Congratulations Graduates! 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Mrs. Stanley

I know we still have about a month left of school, but I wanted to take a minute today to write about Mrs. Stanley.  As we all know, Ann has decided that after this year she will say goodbye to the Trinity Family.  For anyone who has had the fortune of having Ann as their child's teacher, this is a heart wrenching goodbye.

Ann's first year at Trinity, she was my daughter Anna's Kindergarten teacher. (This is before I was the principal.)

This is a picture of their first day.  Aren't they cute? :)

Notice Anna's huge smile.  She had a great first day.  However, fast forward one week and envision this:  screaming child, crying mom, me forcing Anna out of the car, dropping her off in latchkey and watching the latchkey teacher hug her so that she would let go of me and I could leave for work.  It was one of the most awful things I've had to do as a parent.  Now all of this was because Anna inherently has a lot of anxiety every time she encounters something new.  When she is out of her box, she shuts down.  I was beside myself as I didn't know what to do to help her.

Ann was Anna's guardian angel.  She was the most loving, supportive, and nurturing teacher for Anna and supported her every day until she eventually came to school like every other child.  No tears, no anxiety, happy kid, happy mom.  I will forever be grateful to Ann for what she helped Anna accomplish that year. Anna still absolutely loves "Miss Robinson!"  Look how much she loved her at graduation! 

In the years that I've been fortunate enough to work with her, I've seen Ann do amazing things with so many children.  She's touched the life of each child she's had in a way that is meaningful to each child and family.  I've seen her set her mind to helping a student reach a goal and not give up until he or she is there.  I've seen her laugh, cry, and love the kids with all her heart.  Ann's faith is strong and shows in her character.  She is a true Christian role model for her students.

I know that God will be with Ann as she leaves Trinity and moves forward with her future.  I will always treasure the impact she's made on my personal family, as well as our school family. 

Ann, we will miss you but know that you will continue to touch many, many lives.  You will always be a Trinity Tiger! 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

K Kids Inc.!

Do you remember Kindergarten? I have a lot of memory "tidbits" from when I was five. I don't have a ton of "Wow, Kindergarten was great!" type memories. I'm sure at the time I thought Kindergarten was fun, but I think my experience in K left a lot of room for memorable moments. Here are some of the tidbits I remember:

1) Nap time. My least favorite time of the day. (Little did I know...) :)
2) Weekly readers-having no clue how to follow along to what my teacher was reading to me because I hadn't learned to read yet. 
3) My yellow plastic lunchbox with a dog on the front. 
4) Playing with Mark and Leslie in the kitchen area every day.
5) Taking a test on tying my teacher's shoe.
6) Having to count to 100 in front of the whole class at circle time so she could put it on the class chart. I specifically remember stopping at like 72 because I was "tired of that activity." :)

I could go on, but I'll stop there. I know how hard teachers work and I have no doubt that Mrs. Schneider did her best every day. And in her defense, Kindergarten has changed light years since I was there. But I can say for certain that we didn't do activities like the one pictured above-K Kids Inc.- to make lasting memories for me. 

Kindergarten at Trinity is making lasting memories for kids.  Recently our Kindergartners built resumes and applied for their first jobs.  Some of them applied to be assembly workers- to make the flower pens, snack mix, or bracelets to be sold.  Some applied to be bankers-to help take care of the money.  Some applied to be managers-making sure everyone was doing their job to make the business run smoothly.  It takes all kinds to make the business successful.  The business is up and running and based on the line that I had to wait in for my snack mix this morning, I know it is going to be successful! 

This post is another reflection on why Trinity is so special.  And time and time again, the only reason I can say this is because our teachers make it happen.  We have amazing and dedicated families who sacrifice to send their children to school here and our teachers take them under their wings and hold on to them for the moments they are blessed to have them in their classrooms.  Our teachers are making memories for our kids that will last a lifetime.  And that's what I want.  I want our kids to learn as much as they can while they are here, but more importantly I don't want them to have tidbits of memories, but instead experiences they can think back on and say "That was awesome!" 


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Way to Go!

I'd like to take a few minutes today to brag on a former Trinity Student (actually a couple.)  Addy Miller-Brown is a 7th grader at Bunsold this year. Earlier this Winter she took part in the Bunsold Science Fair.  She, along with 3 other former Trinity students received a Superior Rating!  4 of the 7 Superior ratings came from Trinity! Way to represent, Addy, Kaleigh Dougherty, Abby Dougherty, and Katie Weller!   These 4 earned the priviledge of moving on to District competition. 

Addy did so well at Districts, that she is now State Bound for her Science experiment.  What an amazing accomplishment!

Today I received an email from Addy's mom Tammy who just wanted to express her sincere thanks to Trinity for all that we did in Addy's educational experience here that helped her gain the knowledge and confidence needed to make such a successful transition to the "bigger world." 

Here is an excerpt from the email:

One of the most instrumental decisions in our kid's lives has been to  send them to Trinity.  The foundation they have established while attending your school not only on a spiritual level but academically  as well, is priceless.   I'm amazed everyday how well Addy has handled the transition from leaving her small class of 11 to her current size of approx. 400.  Her confidence in facing everyday challenges is handled by  her  faith which was strengthened through example by your staff.   She was academically prepared for Bunsold by your knowledgeable staff.  I thank God for Mrs. Gibson who prepared Addy  with the math skills needed in mastering Pre-algebra. It was also Mrs. Gibson who fostered Addy's love for science leading Addy to her state competition.   

This email was the highlight of my day.  It's so nice to hear such wonderful things said about our school and it's impressive that Tammy took the time to share her thoughts with us.  I completely share her sentiments.  However, I'm here everyday as a principal and a parent and I  get to see firsthand how hard our teachers work and how much they love our kids.  But, it's even better when others see it and spread that good news.  So, thanks Tammy! 

I know I say it all the time, but Trinity truly is an amazing place.  We provide an excellent education in a safe Christian environment.  Addy is just one example of kids taking their faith and foundation with them. 

Good luck Addy-You are amazing and we believe in you!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Change the World

I'm sure most of you who are reading this have seen the video from Trinity's Facebook page of Sunday's "Change the World" production.  This video has gone viral with over 5,300 views currently.  If you haven't seen it, take a few minutes.  Here is the link:

I just wanted to "blog" about my experience being apart of something like this.  For weeks I had known that my kids were going to sing at all 3 services and had heard them, even Luke, singing a song at home that was really catchy.  But on Sunday when it all came together, it was really moving and emotional.  June Saindon, our Praise Band, Pastor Kathy, and all the youth and members who helped out did an amazing job!

Now, I regulary get emotional when I hear great songs, especially when kids are a part of it.  You've probably seen me beaming with pride in chapel, or maybe even seen me with tears in my eyes during a song I love at church on Sunday.  But this was something entirely different.  This was moving!  This was something that got everyone on thier feet and ready to go out and change the world.  When the Sunday School kids joined in the parade, all I could think of was how proud I am that my kids could be a part of something special, at someplace really special.  How many of you grew up in a church that did things like this?  How many of you remember getting up on Sunday morning and when mom said "Time for church," responded "YES!" Now, don't get me wrong, I liked my church growing up, but I wasn't always excited about getting up on Sundays for 8am service.  My kids actually love going to church.  They love seeing thier friends. They love singing with the Praise Band. They love walking up to Communion for a blessing. They love Sunday School.  They love having donuts afterwards.  They love that they get to spend 6 of their 7 days a week at Trinity.  I am so happy that they are able to have the experiences that they do here at Trinity, and Sunday as I was thinking about all of that, I was truly emotional!  Trinity is a special place, both the Church and the School.  Whenever my mom visits she remarks on how the Spirit is moving at Trinity.  She should have seen it moving Sunday.  To all of us members...let's keep it going.  To our School Family...let's keep it going. 

 As we enter Holy Week and Spring Break next week, may the Spirit move you!  May God bless you with a wonderful break and a Blessed Easter! 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Mrs. Miller

I wanted to take some time today to write about Mrs. Miller, one of our 1st grade teachers at Trinity.  Most of you know that Mrs. Miller is expecting her first child, Little Lucy, sometime in April.  Mrs. Miller and her husband Chad are going to make amazing parents.  I'm so excited for Elizabeth and know that she has exciting days ahead of her. 

This is Mrs. Miller's 3rd year here at Trinity and we are so blessed that she chose to come teach here.  Elizabeth is a creative, organized, planful and reflective teacher.  She has unique ideas and shares them with others.  She is willing to help out anywhere that she can, and truly gives of herself.  Elizabeth loves her students and works hard to make sure she is meeting thier needs.  She is also one of the most patient people I know.  She is currently my daughter Reese's teacher, and if you know Reese, then you can understand how much patience she must have! :)  From a mom's perspective, I can't go wrong with any teacher at Trinity, but Reese has just fallen in love with Mrs. Miller and it's easy to understand why.  Reese feels loved and accepted in her classroom, and I couldn't ask for more. 

As I said before, Elizabeth is due in a couple weeks.  She is one of those teachers who is lucky enough to have a spring baby and can enjoy the summer off with the baby as well.  Sometimes teachers in this situation find themselves feeling "done" at this point in their pregnancy and don't always give all of thier heart and soul to teaching.  I have to say that this is not true for Elizabeth.  She comes to school everyday with as much determination as the day before for getting the job done.  She worries about her students, and wants to make sure they will still do great after she's had the baby.  (Which they will--Becky Wever will be her sub!)  I am truly grateful for Elizabeth's determination and dedication to her job. 

Thank you Mrs. Miller for all you do for Trinity.  You are amazing and we love you!  We also can't wait to meet Lucy in a few weeks.  May God shower his blessings on you and your family!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Mr. Brown

For those of you who have had students in Mr. Brown's classroom, you already know about his Basketball unit. Mr. Brown transforms his classroom into a basketball stadium, welcomes other classrooms in to challenge his students at a game, makes classroom jerseys, and generally creates a lot of "March madness" in his room! Okay, so this sounds like fun, but what are they learning? Well, Aaron has put a lot of thought into why he spends a week (or more) like this. First of all, the kids know that they can learn while they have fun. They are learning math lessons like counting and measurement, they are reading books about sports, they are learning about teamwork, and as Mrs. White would say, they are learning the "life skill" of sportsmanship. Do kids have to learn about winning and losing? You bet. Do kids have to learn that not everything in life will go as they planned? Absolutely. Mr. Brown is teaching them these life skills in a fun, exciting, and non-threatening way. 

 Ask Mr. Brown if he ever imagined he'd be teaching kindergarten and he laughs right out loud. However, he is an integral piece of what makes Trinity unique and exceptional. Thanks Mr. Brown for all you do. Go tigers!


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Social Media

So, I have to admit, I am not good at Social Media.  I rarely check my Facebook page, I don't do Pintrest, I opened a Twitter account and have only tweeted once (for a class assignment) and I have no idea what Instagram is used for.  

However, that being said, Social Media in Education can be very useful.  Many of you are probably reading this because you followed the link from Facebook.  When I use our Facebook page, I'm helping to spread the good news of Trinity to those who may otherwise not know what's happening inside our walls.  When used in a safe way, and in a way in which our strong values are upheld, Trinity's story can be shared with the larger community.  The buzz in education these days is that if we don't share our story, someone else will.  So, why not share the story that you want everyone to know.  My March resolution is to do just that.  I'm committing myself to sharing our story so that all of you can share it as well.  

Facebook is a way for me to share our story, but I've also created a Trinity Twitter account. Follow us at:


News, updates, and stories will be shared here.  Help Trinity to make a presence in the Social Media world.  Get your family members and friends involved.  I love Trinity and want others to see how great of a place it is!  

God's Peace to You!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Have you visited Trinity yet?

Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything to this blog.  I aplogize for my absense but have a strong desire to share what is going on at Trinity.  Keep checking in on me!

To all you prospective parents out there: Have you visited Trinity yet?  Enrollment for the 2012-2013 school year is well underway.  I am so excited for all of those who have turned in thier forms and have committed to becoming a Trinity Tiger.  The educational experience that they will recieve will be like no other and the spritual growth that the students will undergo can hardly be put into words.  As a mother of 3 students here, I get to see firsthand every day what an impact our teachers make on our students.  My daughter just asked me the other day, "Mom, why is this school year going so fast?  I don't want it to end."  I think this speaks volumes to what kind of experience our students have in the classrooms.  When they want to be here, that makes all the difference in thier learning journey. 

If you haven't been in for a tour, give me a call or send me an email.  937-642-1726 or

I promise to post some pictures and stories very soon.  The kids have fun every day and I want to share that with the world. 

Until then, God's Peace to You!

Go Tigers!