Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving thoughts

Today is a unique day at Trinity.  Even though it's Tuesday, we started the day with Chapel.  I love starting my days in Chapel with 225 amazing students.  If you haven't had the opportunity to come, please consider it.  You won't regret beginning your day this way!  Today we sang two of my favorite songs.  "I'm giving Everything to God....He's Given Everything to Me...." and "I Want to Thank You Lord..."  Not the exact titles but the words say everything we need to be thinking, especially this time of the year.  Hearing an entire sanctuary of students singing and living out thier faith gives me chills.  They are truly uninhibited in their faith.  It's something to be proud of. 

Our day is ending in classroom parties.  Our students are on the edge of thier seats, as you can imagine.  We've got an amazing group of parent volunteers in each classroom helping to make this succcessful. I sincerely thank those parents for their time and energy in creating a classroom memory for our students. 

I want to wish you all a wonderful, safe, and blessed Thanksgiving holiday.  God bless.