Friday, August 30, 2013

Good Feelings

Another great week at Trinity!  We’ve had some really “feel good” moments this week that I’d love to share with you.

First, our school is finally complete!  We had about 110 Pre-School and Pre-K kids come ready for their first days this past Monday and Tuesday. Like I said last week, I love those first days of school.  It was such fun to watch most of them come with smiling faces and say goodbye to their parents as they entered the classroom for what might have been the first time for a lot of them.  As always, we had the reluctant kiddos, but just as we had assured the parents at orientation, after 5 minutes, they were happy and smiling!  I have to give kudos to our Early Childhood team-Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Woodworth, Miss Frisch and Mrs. Freudenberg (also to Miss Breneman and Mrs. Cymbal who are helping out)-they are so amazing at what they do.  They were able to help those reluctant ones and turn those tears into smiles so effortlessly.  What a safe environment they are providing for our youngest Tigers.  And, as I walk into a classroom of 3 and 4 year old students and see them engaged and organized-that is a feat unto itself.  Way to go! 


On Wednesday Trinity hosted its 4th produce giveaway sponsored by Lutheran Social Services and the Mid-Ohio Food Bank.  Each month, the amount of families who have benefited from the healthy food provided for them has grown.  The need in Union County is great, and this has been an amazing opportunity for Trinity to help those in need and spread a little bit of God’s love at the same time.  This week our 6th grade students were able to spend most of their morning volunteering at the giveaway.  I was so proud of our students.  Each one of them stepped into the role they felt comfortable with and did it with amazing grace.  Some of the students bagged up produce and handed it out to those in line.  Some of our students helped folks carry bags and boxes as they went through the line in order to lessen the burden of the load.  Each one of the students was respectful and represented Trinity just as any adult would have wanted them to.  I heard them saying “Have a great day” and “God bless you” to each person they encountered.  I believe each person in our community who was helped that day with healthy food was also nurtured a little bit by the kindness of our students and the love of God they shared.  I’d like to thank Mrs. Wever for making it possible for them to join in the event and for allowing the kids to have time to discuss what a powerful thing it was for them to take part in morning. 

Each and every time I experience something like this with the kids, I get that overwhelming feeling that the Holy Spirit is moving within Trinity and my love for Trinity grows.  I thank God that my children have the opportunity to go to school here and be immersed in the positive energy within our walls.  I hope each of you feels the same way!

God bless you this Labor Day weekend.  Enjoy the long weekend and enjoy some rest and relaxation with your families!  Go Tigers!


Friday, August 23, 2013

Welcome Back Trinity Tigers!

It has been an amazing week here at Trinity!  While is started out in a way I never dreamed it could have, we’ve had so much fun during our first week of school!  I love the first day of school, and I got to experience that twice this week.  First with our 1-6 kiddos and again on Thursday with our Kindergarteners.  As the principal, it’s always fun getting the teachers together and planning for the year, but there is absolutely nothing better than watching over 200 students arrive with huge smiles and “bring it on” attitudes.  I love watching the kids find friends they haven’t seen in a while, discovering a new path to their new classroom, and hugging a brand new teacher.  The reaction of the Kindergarteners coming to school is always a favorite time for me.  There are students who are practically running to get the day started and those that are a little scared.  We had a few tears, which subsided quickly with of the love and support of the teachers.  By the end of the day yesterday, the kids looked exhausted!  But it was “an amazing day” according to at least one source I spoke to this morning! J   All I know is that it’s been a full week of school, and all the students still had smiles on their faces as I greeted them this morning.  That’s all I can ask for!  This is why Trinity is “amazing!”

So, while I’ve seen a range of emotions from the students this week, I’ve also seen that same range of emotions from the parents.  Like all of you, I’m a parent here as well.  I had my camera out taking the typical first day pictures…at home before we left, in front of the cross, in front of the lockers, and with the teachers.  However, I get the added bonus of getting to experience their school lives right along with them.  I’ve watched many parents this week leave with smiles on their faces that school is back in session and I’ve watched parents teary as they are leaving a first born, a last born, or somewhere in between.  I feel both of these emotions: routine is good and it feels great to be back on a schedule, but I’ve had to leave 2 kids at home with a sitter and so I understand the tears.  Being a parent is the toughest, yet most rewarding job there is.  I give honor and glory to all of you for the students that you are raising and have chosen to entrust to us at Trinity.  Each and every one of them is special and means the world to you.  We strive to make sure they feel that way at Trinity too. 

Onward and upward through the rest of the year!  I know that this year will be just as “amazing” as the first day of school.  God’s blessing to each of you through the journey of 2013-2014.  I’m excited for what He has in store for us!